Goat farming is the practice of raising and breeding goats for producing different types of goat products such as milk, meat, fiber and skins. In commercial production, the goats are raised mainly for their meat and milk. Goat meat and milk both have very good demand and value in the market. Actually, commercial goat farming is a very common and popular business in many countries around the world. Global demand for goat milk and meat is increasing rapidly. So, starting a commercial business can be a great way for generating good profits.
Goats are very strong and hardy animals and they are suitable for raising with other farm animals (such as sheep and cattle). Feeding and other caring costs of goats are very less as compared to other livestock animals. They can thrive well on low-quality grazing land. They can efficiently convert sub-grazing matter that is less desirable for other livestock into quality lean meat.
As compared to other livestock animals, the goats are smaller in size and they generally require less food and investment. So, starting a small to medium scale goat farming business is relatively easy and anyone can start. But you have to invest a lot if you want to start a commercial production.
Steps for starting commercial goat farming business
Starting a small scale or commercial goat farming business is very easy and simple. Goats are smaller sized animals and they relatively require less food, space, labor and minimum caring. Anyone can start this business and make money, even the beginners. You have to follow some steps for starting and operating a successful goat farming business.

Know local regulations or zoning laws
It is always recommended to know the local regulations or zoning laws before starting a business. Not all the places are allowed to raise goats. For example, you will probably not be able to start a goat farming business in metro aeras. So, check any local regulations or zoning laws before starting this business.
Gather practical knowledge/experience
Having practical knowledge/experience is very important for starting and operating a successful goat farming business. You should not start your goat farming business suddenly. First learn about this business, spend time in farms and learn everything related to this business. Visit as may farms as possible within your area to learn practically. Also consider completing a goat farming training from any government or private organizations.
Determine your goal
This part is also very important. You should determine your goal first before staring this business in large scale. A right and clear goal will help to be successful in this business. So, determine what you want from this business and set the strategies for achieving your goal. Hard working is the main way to achieve your goal.
Make a good and effective goat farming business plan
Making a good and effective goat farming business plan is a mandatory. Because a good, detailed and effective business plan helps to run your business successfully. So, try to make an effective goat farming business plan before starting your business and do everything according to the plan. Try to include everything in your plan from starting to marketing. Ask for help for making the business plan from an expert if are a beginner.
Select good location
Selecting a very good location is very important, because all the locations are not good for a successful and profitable goat production business. So, try to select a good location which has all the basic facilities such as market, food, water, medicine etc. Always try to select the location far from residential areas. Calm and quiet place with less noise is considered best for raising goats. Ensure that there is good veterinary service available in your selected location.
Determine the products from your farm
Goats are raised for producing many different products such as milk, meat, skin, fibre etc. But in commercial production, the goats are raised mainly for meat and milk. So, determine the products you want to produce. You can start raising goats for meat production or milk or even both.
Select good breeds based on your production purpose
There are hundreds of goat breeds available throughout the world. But, not all the breeds are good for commercial goat production purpose. Some goats are good for milk, some are good for milk and some are good for both meat and eggs production. Alper, Nubian, Lamancha, Oberhasli, Saanen and Togenburg are some top milk producing breeds. And top meat producing goats breeds are Boer, Beetal, Black Bengal, Kalahari Red etc. Choose the right breed for your production depending on it’s adaptability, availability and price in your area.
Make a good house/shelter
Providing the goats with very good, comfortable and secure goats is very important for large scale production. Although, in small scale production you can keep your goats with other livestock animals. A good housing system not only give the goats shelter and protect them from predators, but also prevent them from various types of diseases and health problems. Depending on the goat breeds, an average size goat will require around or upto 10-12 square foot housing space. Install good ventilation system inside the house and also ensure good drainage system.
Purchase goat farming equipment
Purchase all the required goat farming equipment. Some must have and most important equipment are feeders, waterers, shelter, hay storage, lighting equipment, feed storage bins, scales, record keeping tools, fencing, first-aid kit etc.
Purchase goats
Good quality ensures good production, and ultimately maximum profits. So, try to purchase very good quality goats which are healthy, strong and active. Try to purchase goats from local suppliers with good reputation. Before purchasing any animal try to check for it’s detailed breeding history, specific breed traits and current health conditions. Consider asking for help for purchasing good quality and healthy animals, especially if you are a beginner.
Take good care of the goat kids
Good growth of the kids ensures good production. So, taking good care of the goats is very important. Although the doe will perform most of the caring tasks. But in case if the doe become unable to take care of her kids, then you have to bottle-feed the kids. Try keep their living place dry, clean and hygienic.
Feed them nutritious food
Feeding the growing and adult goats with very good quality and nutritious food is very important for successful goat farming business. Good quality goats not only ensures good growth but also helps them to stay healthy and active and productive. So, always try to provide your goats with enough good quality and nutritious food. Naturally, the goats prefer eating green grasses, plants, shrubs, weeds and herbs. But in case of commercial production, you have to provide them with specially formulated food with balanced ratio of energy, protein, vitamins, fiber and water for proper growth and maximum production.

Ensure access to fresh and clean water
Along with providing the goats with enough good quality and nutritious food, always try to provide them with enough clean and fresh drinking water as per their demand. Avoid providing them contaminated foods and polluted water. Always keep their watering pots filled with water. Keeping the goats hydrated is very important, especially during the summer months.
Practice goat breeding management
Goats are naturally very good breeders. They will breed easily and successfully if you keep good ratio of bucks and does in your flock. Generally, one mature buck is enough for breeding 25-30 does. Exact breeding season of goat can vary depending upon goat varieties. Some goats are seasonal breeders and some goats breed throughout the year. Some goats produce one kid at a time, some produce two and even some goats produce more than two.
Learn about goat diseases and their control
Like other domestic animals, the goats are susceptible to some common diseases and health problems. And these disease can cause their productivity seriously. As a conscious goat farmer, you should be aware of these goat disease and the ways to prevent them. Common goat diseases are Pneumonia, Foot Rot, Goatpox, Mastitis etc. Try to learn the ways to recognize the symptoms of different diseases and health problems. Some common signs of diseases or other health problems are loss of appetite, lethargy, diarrhea and respiratory distress. Consult with a vet as soon as possible if you notice any of the above symptoms.
Caring the growing and productive goat
In commercial production, try to keep the male and female goats separated. Keep the breeding buck in a separate room, and keep the kids with their moms. Avoid using same buck for breeding several does at the same day. Doing this may sometimes result unsuccessful mating. Vaccinate the goats timely and ask for help from an vet if there is an emergency.
Vaccinate timely
Timely vaccination helps the goats to stay healthy and free from health problems. So, timely vaccination is very important. Goat vaccination helps the goats to stay safe from different viral goat diseases such as PPR, Goatpox, Foot and Mouth disease and some common bacterial goat diseases like anthrax and brucellosis.
Marketing live goat and goat products is very easy and simple. Because goats and their products already have very good demand and value in the market. Meat and milk are goat’s main products and both have very good demand and value. You will probably be able to sell your products in the local market. Although, we recommend determining your marketing strategies before starting this business.
Calculate total costs and profits
Keep record of all costs from the beginning of your goat farming journey. And also keep records of income from when you start selling the products. And finally calculate the loss or profit at the last. Commercial goat farming is a very profitable business and you will probably be able to make good profits from this business if you can follow all the steps mentioned above perfectly.
These are the common steps and ways for starting and operating a successful goat farming business. Hope this guide has helped. Consider sharing this guide with your friends if you like it. Good luck!